Friday, October 31, 2008



I haven't been able to do much of ANYTHING that involves direct light.Meaning,drive,shop,somedays-work,etc....Well,it started out as a ragweed/hayfever type sinus thing.Then I chose to leave my stupid contacts in,and scratched my eyes w/ tiny abrasions that felt like HUGE deep scratches.So that when one eye would be watering like crazy and slamming,the OTHER eye would follow suit.I looked and felt pathetic.Most guys said I looked like I had got a welding burn in the eyes,or the feeling was prolly imagine that.
JUST when I thought the coast was clear,I put back in my contacts and by the afternoon,all the healing I had done,was out the window and I was BACK to square one. friends is the 1st time I've been able to be in front of my computer in a while.No light on,only the TV to the right,and the lightswitch is soooo
So I'm gona try and do some reading up on some stuff I've been missing....wish me luck.
Hoping all is well...just please please please be SAFE this Halloween for those of you that choose to celebrate it!!!
Love to all..


Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Ouch! I sure hope you're feeling better soon...that has got to really SUCK not being able to read stuff or watch TV or drive. That would drive me CRAZY!!!

Walker said...

Is that your Halloween date up there becase if it is I think he is just doing to mess up you'r hayfever up more than your hair.

I hope you feel 100 percent soon and you have a Happy and Safe Halloween.
I know you're going out trick or treating.
The question is what will your costum be.
You could go as a stripper, I bet you get lots of candy ;)

letti said...

Oh dear. I hope your eyes heal up quickly. *hugs* Happy Halloween.

PBS said...

Ha ha, the mooning scarecrow is cute! Oh, hope your eyes get better fast. That has got to be so miserable.