Thursday, April 3, 2008


JUST when things start going "MY"way....I go and shoot myself in the feakin' foot!
Ok,so I refuse to allow my damn vehicle to be in the shop for 2 days,cuz excuse other than I am constantly on the go.All these things aren't exactly a MUST that I do...but it's mostly places I go out of habit.Like tanning everyday,which I have to MAKE myself trek across town to do,going to the post office every few days,picking up A'million,grocery store runs,when I should get everything at one time(which I never do)...I give a friend a ride to work alot,and I keep going by a girl that's got my dang laptop SUPPOSEDLY waiting on it to be retrieved from her brother-in-laws' house,and various other daily activities that keep my wheels hot until around 5 p.m.ish,when I TRY to sleep a bit before going to work at 11 p.m.Well...point is,I let my brakes go to the point that they are making a sorta grinding noise.Yesss.I'm old enough to no that's a after I got off work at 7 a.m.,I went and tanned like I usually do.I NEVER see a cop on this particular route.I came up to the 4-way and PAUSED and went ahead,because my brakes sounded just awful,and there wasn't a car near the 4-way for at least 2 blocks away.Well...BEHIND that ONE car was a Sherriff's Dept. car...I'm cruising along and hear this loud ass siren I pull over and dang-it,sure-as-shit,I get a ticket for running a stop sign.DAMN! Here in Texas we have a point system,and I've just about used up my 9 points when I had the wreck,and the no insurance about a year and a half ago!! I'm at the mercy of a Judge,that I happen to know personally,so maybe there is a way to fix this without getting another 3 year Surcharge.Meaning,for 3 years you have to pay $270 dollars each year or lose your license.BUT...if I can get a probationary period where if I go 3 months without getting a ticket,they CAN take it off my record altogether.That's really an option for the Judge.So I guess I'll wait until I see him before I start panicing.I can't see myself losing my license.I'd be a nutcase.
Bummer.Just when you think you are getting ahead,a curveball whacks me right in the forehead!Or however that metaphor goes.
Okay...I'm off my high-horse now.


Lord Genocyde said...

Oh man, that sucks and the bad part is just about the time I came to the part of the story where you said that you never see a cop on that particular stretch is where the foreshadowing came in because my iPod played this part of a Dr. Steel song:

"Bad Boys, Bad Boys
Whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do
when we know kung-fu!"

I just made my roomie Melissa look at me crazy for screaming at my iPod, "SHUT UP!" When I saw the cop pull out I did the Peanut-style, "Damn!"

Walker said...

Sometimes we just think we can hold off the inevitable longer than possible and it ends up costing us more in the long run.
I hope you can sweet talk yoiurself into that probationary period and GET YOUR BRAKES FIXED!!

Need I remind you about that precious cargo you pick up are drive around in your car hmmmm

Lindy said...

Guess I don't have to remind you how important brakes are in your vehicle, do I? You know they always say 'hindsight is 20/20'. Course, thats gonna cost you alot of 20's if your not lucky. I crossed my fingers for you.

letti said...

sorry to hear that, tammi. that sucks...*hugs*