Sunday, July 29, 2007


Last night was semi OK.I did go to a place called the Chapparel Club last night,and had a REALLY good time.But I have to say....It's just the choice of men are getting wierder to me.LOL The girl that I went w/ had to leave sorta early,not real early...but the place just started jumpin' when she took me to get my car I was SO ready to get back,I cranked my car and sat there for a minute....but then I thought "REAL freakin' smart Tamara! Go ahead and drive intoxicated,and see what this D.W.I. gets you,or maybe even what my impaired driving does to someone else".So D***-IT....I went ahead and stayed home....what a bummer,cuz we were having a good time,and some people I actually knew were still at the club when I left,but I just went ahead and stayed home.I just can't deal w/ the thought of the past repeating itself.It's been too long that I've had any drama of that sort in my life,and I just can't risk it.Life is too good now to take even 2 steps backwards.Oh well...I'll have other times,but I DID have a blast for a hot minute.LOL We played an old game we used to play a long time ago...before someone sat down,we made up crazy proffessions...she was a trauma nurse,and I worked at a bank as a bank teller.Yes,that's lieing,I know....but really,we play it to the hilt,and get a crack out of seeing who could out-do each other keeping up with the lies we drum up.Like I'll say "remember that time when we went snow skiing in Colorado and met Mandy Moore? Just all in good fun.Sometimes we tell the guys later on that we were full of it...but it gets so ridiculous sometimes we literally have to kick each other under the table to keep from laughing.'s much safer at home than driving under the influence,as opposed to back in the days when I would wake up and have to go look outside to see if my car was in the driveway!Uugh!Or take a total walk around my car to look for any dents I may or may not have picked up on the way home.
Rememebering those stupid days makes me glad......NOT that I came home......but that I didn't drive last night.I don't even have a hangover either.Cool.


Monogram Queen said...

I know it's sometimes hard but i'm SO glad you made the right choice Tammi and i'm very proud of you :)

Walker said...

There are times when I just want to say fuck it and go back to the way it was but i also rememebr with all the fun there was a price to pay.
Sometimes you pay it but there are times other people paid it for you and that wasn't fair then and not now.
But it doesn't mean you can't let the hair down a bit and enjoy life some.

Monica said...

Hope things are going well for's the new little one? How's your sister doing? Tell her hi for me.

Tamara said...

Thanks for the props.But I have to tell you.It was like u see in the movies w/ the angel on your shouler saying "no no no...stay off the roads"! And then there was the devil on the other shoulder saying"Aww,WTF,g'head,it's only a FEW miles away,u won't get caught".
It's not often....but I DO sometimes just want to let my hair down and get buck wild.LOL
My lil A'million is doing great!! cept' Rayven is back in Dallas w/baby's father(no comment on him,btw!).Thanks for askin'. :-}